EU projects
for participation in the procedure "Selection by public invitation" with two separate positions for determining a contractor with a subject:
“Purchase and Commissioning (delivery, installing, testing and commissioning) on:
1. Special position - CNC Fibro-laser machine for cutting metal sheets and pipes – 1 number;
2. Separate item - Welding machines - 30 count.
Contract No. BG-RRP-3.008-0061-C01/20.05.2024.
Deadline for submission of offers – 21.06.2024 Mr.
Public invitation - M.V. Lomonosov
Sample delivery contract - M.V. Lomonosov
Offer – PMS 80 – MV Lomonosov
Evaluation methodology - M.V. Lomonosov
Requirements - offers
EIC declaration
Declaration – candidates
Application 2 to the Supply Agreement
The company "M.V. Lomonosov" Ltd. is implementing a project under the BFP Contract No. BG-RRP-3.008-0061-C01/20.05.2024., financed under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Disbursement Procedure to Final Recipients: BG-RRP-3.008 "Support for the transition to a circular economy in enterprises" financed by the European Union.
The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to the acceleration of the transition to a circular economy by providing grants to enterprises in the production sector to introduce circular models for the use of resources and the implementation of climate-neutral methods and technologies for the production and consumption of the products of their activity.
The procedure is directly aimed at promoting investments in circular solutions to reduce the resource footprint by applying waste recycling and recovery technologies, increasing the use of biologically based resources, limiting the use of single-use plastic products, extending the life cycle of products and other methods, ensuring the creation of value based on circular models of production and consumption.
According to the project, it is planned to purchase them, deliver, install, tested and commissioned:
1. CNC fiber-laser machine for cutting metal sheets and pipes - 1 number.
2. Welding machines - 30 count
Total cost of the project: 785 210.00 leva, which 392 605.00 European levs and
392 605.00 BGN own co-financing.
The company "M.V. Lomonosov" Ltd. implements a project under the BFP Contract No. BG-RRP-3.004 -0409-C01/ 15.03.2024 G., financed under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Disbursement Procedure to Final Recipients: BG-RRP-3.004 "Technological modernization" financed by the European Union.
The main purpose of the procedure is to increase the efficiency of production processes, to achieve higher productivity, to reduce production costs and optimize the production chain by providing grants to SMEs.
According to the project, it is planned to be purchased, deliver, install, tested and commissioned:
CNC fiber-laser machine for cutting metal sheets and pipes - 1 number.
Total cost of the project: 500 000.00 leva, which 250 000.00 European levs and
250 000.00 BGN own co-financing.
Firm "M". V. Lomonosov" OOD executed a project under BFP Contract No. BG16RFOP002-6.002- 510 – C01/16.09.2022, financed under procedure BG16RFOP002-6.002 "Restoration of SMEs by improving energy efficiency" of Operational Program "Innovations and Competitiveness" 2014 – 2020 Mr. Priority axis 6 "Recovering SMEs". Investment priority "Overcoming the consequences of the state of emergency, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and preparation for environmental, digital and sustainable recovery of the economy" co-financed by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The main objective of the procedure is to provide focused support to Bulgarian small and medium-sized enterprises to recover from the economic consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic by improving their energy efficiency.
For this purpose, the joinery of the external windows and showcases of production premises with a total square footage was purchased and replaced 882,74 m2:
Total cost of the project: 271 883,92 leva, which 135 941,96 European levs and
135 941,96 BGN own co-financing.
The company "M.. V. Lomonosov" Ltd. has executed a project under BFP Contract No. BG16RFOP002-2.077- 1579 – C01 / 14.01.2021, funded under procedure BG16RFOP002-2.077 "Support to medium-sized enterprises for overcoming the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic" of the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014 – 2020 G., co-financed by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The main goal of the procedure is to provide operating capital for Bulgarian medium-sized enterprises to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic..
Total cost of the project: 150 000,00 leva, which 127 500,00 European levs and 22 500,00 BGN national co-financing.
Energy Management Policy:
The company "M.. V. Lomonosov Ltd. implemented the project "Optimization of energy consumption in order to increase production capacity and competitiveness of" M. V. Lomonosov “OOD” under BFP Agreement № BG16RFOP002-3.001-0867-C01 / 15.11.2017 year., implemented under OP "Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020", Procedure BG16RFOP002-3.001 "Energy efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises" co-financed by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria..
This project proposal is related to the implementation of investments in order to increase competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth of the company "M. V. Lomonosov Ltd. by optimizing energy consumption in our business.
The investment in the project is specifically expressed in:
I. Delivery, installation and commissioning in "M.. V. Lomonosov ”Ltd. on:
1. Laser portal machine / fiber laser system / – 1 number;
2. Hydraulic press brake with CPU - 1 number;
3. Band saw - full automatic machine with hydraulic diaphragm with PLC control - 1 number;
4. Surface grinder - full automatic machine with PLC control - 1 number.
II. Introduction of energy management systems according to the requirements of the BDS EN ISO standard 50001 (Energy Management Systems).
Overall goal of the project:
The company "M.. V. Lomonosov Ltd. has set a common goal to increase competitiveness and expand market share by reducing the cost of production, realizing the available potential for saving energy consumption.
Specific objectives:
By introducing and implementing specific energy efficient measures and achieving sustainable development, the implementation of this project has the following specific objectives:
– reducing the overall energy intensity of the enterprise;
– expanding the capacity of the existing business site;
– optimizing the parameters of the microclimate in the working and production environment; – optimization of production processes; – increase productivity;
– reduction of the waste product as a technological waste;
– reusability – recycling of discarded products.
Financial framework for the project and EU contribution: Total value: 975 870.00 BGN, which 505 802,70 BGN. European, 89 259,30 BGN. nationally and 380 808.00 BGN. own co-financing.
Expansion of the technological capacity of MV Lomonosov Ltd. under a grant agreement № BG16RFOP002-2.001-0500-C01 / 3.12.2015.
Within the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness, the company MV Lomonosov Ltd. implemented a project Expanding the technological capacity of MV Lomonosov Ltd. under a grant agreement № BG16RFOP002-2.001-0500-C01 / 23.12.2015.
The project is related to investments in order to expand the capacity of the existing business site - the current production base of the company. The investment in the project is specifically expressed in the purchase and commissioning (delivery, installation and initial testing) on: 1. A hydraulic press – 1 no. ; 2. Thread erosion machine with CNC and five working axes – 1 no.; 3. Automated line for machining metal tape – 60 (600 kN) your – 1 no. ; 4. Automated line for machining metal tape – 100 (1000 kN) your – 1 no.; 5. Hydraulic guillotine – 1 no. ; 6. Pipe bending machine without mandrel – 1 no.
The specific goal of the project is to increase the modernization of production technologies, which will expand the production capacity and lead to the following results:
– reduction of production costs;
– reducing the cost of production, increase labor efficiency and increase sales revenue;
– increased production capacity will allow to meet customer demand in terms of volume / quantity;
– improvement of the products in terms of quality and expansion of the product range will be achieved.
Financial framework for the project and EU contribution:
Total value: 675 500,00 BGN, which 344 505,00 BGN. European, 60 795,00 BGN. nationally and 270 200,00 BGN. own co-financing